Dream Brother

Many of us lose loved one’s and we also lose people we never personally knew yet, loved from afar.  One of these people, for me, was the great, Jeff Buckley.  I was fortunate enough to photograph him back in 1996 when he played at the Palais Theatre in Melbourne.  After the show I shook his hand and told him what a moving performance he gave.  Wanting a memento from the concert, I asked him for his shirt to which he said with a laugh, “Hell no.”


A year later, during a spontaneous evening swim, singing Led Zeppelins “Whole lotta love,” a fully clothed Jeff was caught in the wake of a passing tugboat.  His death was reported as an accidental drowning.  One of the many, talented and loved, people who’s life here on earth was cut short and is now in heaven.

“Dream brother” if you “meet the one I love” please tell her I miss her.


Photo: Diane Kitanoski
Title: “Dream Brother” – Jeff Buckley
All rights reserved © This is Roshambo

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