Congratulations Australia, you said #YES!
Today marks one of the most important days in Australian history. The marriage equality debate ended today when the majority of Australians gave an overwhelming and clear message of #YES to same sex marriage.
Today, Wednesday 15th November 2017 Australians voted #YES for marriage equality. This is history in the making people. It feels, or rather seems so bizarre to even be writing about such a thing. To be living in the year 2017 and only today have we said #yes to same sex marriage. Shouldn’t it be considered a normal thing anyway? As the saying goes, love is love so why did we even have to vote on this in the first place, shouldn’t it have already been a given? Regardless of what it should or shouldn’t be, or regardless of what it was…it now IS! It just is, and it’s about bloody time. Remember the time when you had to dial the home telephone if you wanted to speak to someone? Well what about the time when same sexes weren’t allowed to get marry…remember that?! #history
Today we celebrate #loveislove #lovewillwin #marriageequality #proudtobeaustralian
As Bob Marley says, “…go to hell if you’re thinking is not right, Love will never leave us alone,”
“Could you be loved?’ Yes indeed my friend, that’s a big, fat YES from us down under!
All rights reserved © This is Roshambo
Words & Photography by: Diane Kitanoski for This is Roshambo
Title: “Could you be loved” – Bob Marley